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BOTOX® Cosmetic at DermMania
BOTOX® Cosmetic can make a real difference in:
BOTOX® Cosmetic is a therapeutic muscle-relaxing agent that works at the muscles that cause wrinkles. The relaxed muscle allows the skin to smooth out persistent lines that develop over time.

Treatments usually last about 15-20 minutes and keep the muscles that cause lines relaxed for up to four months. Results are visible within 7-10 days after treatment, and treatment is fast, simple and minimally invasive. If you're considering a wrinkle treatment and are interested in learning how Botox® can help look younger, call 815.455.8600 to schedule a free consultation with your SkinMD.

Common Questions & Answers About BOTOX® Cosmetic

Where is BOTOX® Cosmetic Used?
Treatments primarily address lines in the skin known as “dynamic wrinkles,” which includes crow’s feet around the eyes and wrinkles visible while smiling, laughing or raising the eyebrows. These lines are normally less noticeable when your face is relaxed. BOTOX® Cosmetic may also be used for bands in the neck.

Am I a good candidate?
Appropriate candidates range from the ages of 25 to 65. Wrinkles in people over 65 are considered “static” and do not disappear when the skin relaxes. There are other procedures which target static wrinkles. Each patient is unique, however, and private consultations are recommended to determine the best and most effective treatment plan.

How is BOTOX® Cosmetic Administered at Dermmania?
A small amount of BOTOX® Cosmetic is injected with a fine needle into the targeted areas. The amount of liquid which enters the skin is very small, and patients experience only minimal discomfort similar to a slight pinch. No anesthetic is necessary, and you can continue with your everyday activities immediately following the procedure.

Are the injections painful?
The injection needle is very small, which normally avoids any discomfort. The pinching sensation experienced lasts only a short time, and you will return to your usual activities without any painful aftereffects.

When will I notice the difference, and how long will it last?
Patients usually see the full effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments three to eight days following the procedure, although this may be hastened by contracting the facial muscles. Results normally last for three to six months, and repeat treatments result in longer-lasting effects.

What happens as treatment begins to wear off?
After three to six months, the effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic begin to wear off and wrinkles reappear, though often not as deep or visible as they were prior to treatment. In order to sustain smooth skin and a youthful look, three to four injections are usually required. By returning for repeat treatments, fewer injections are required in the future to maintain young-looking skin as the treatment wears off.

Is there any downtime?
No. Following treatment, patients usually return to their jobs and normal activities immediately. It is recommended, however, that you avoid exercise, heavy lifting and massaging the injected area injected for one day.

How much does BOTOX® Cosmetic Cost?
BOTOX® Cosmetic is sold by the unit; the total number of units needed varies from person to person. The average person needs between 20-30 units per area.

How do I get started?
Call DermMania at 815.455.8603 to book a free consultant with your SkinMD.

BOTOX® for Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating can cause embarrassment and discomfort, especially for those who may have careers that involve a lot of time in front of other people. DermMania offers treatment for this condition which is known as hyperhidrosis. The most common type is axillary hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating under the armpits.

Sweating is the body's way of staying at the correct temperature. When a person suffers from hyperhidrosis, their body's sweat glands are overactive, causing them to produce much more sweat than is needed for cooling. BOTOX® has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of this condition.

How do I know if I have hyperhidrosis?

If you answered yes to several of these questions, and excessive sweating is interfering with your ability to function normally in your daily life, you may have hyperhidrosis. To find out more about treatment for excessive sweating, Call DermMania at 815.455.8603 to book a free consultation with your SkinMD.

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